CareerHero.a is an innovative career development platform leveraging world-class coaching techniques with sophisticated machine learning to offer personalized, data-driven career guidance, enhancing your institution's support for students' professional growth.


Choice Overload

Students face an overwhelming array of vacancies and career paths to choose from, in need for clear and personalized direction.

Self-Knowledge Gap

There's a critical need for tools that help students uncover and understand their unique strengths and career aspirations.

Real-World Readiness

Bridging the gap between school/ academic success and the practical skills required in today’s job market, including emotional resilience during the job search.

Capacity Constraints

Universities face the challenge of providing tailored career support to each student due to limited coaching capacities.

Dynamic Job Market Dilemma

Career coaches struggle to offer current advice that keeps pace with the rapid changes in job market demands and how they relate to students' fields of study.

Self-Representation Struggle

Students often find it difficult to effectively self-represent and articulate their unique skills and experiences in a competitive job market.

Top-notch Personalized Career Guidance in Just One Hour!
"Easy to use. Interactive, intuitive and effective. Great results in short amount of time."
Our Career Compass Offers Personalized Insights and Real-Time Adaptability

Combining AI with world-class coaching principles, assists each and every student in better preparation for internships, thesis projects and eventual career paths.

The Coaching Market is growing

The most common coaching topics

Vetted Coaching Methologies

Based 1000s of coaching conversations and Dare2Lead from Brené Brown to analyze and align individual values and talents, ensuring personalized and effective career guidance for each student.

Generative AI that helps to Facilitate Career Discovery

Our LLM not only to interpret labor market data and also to converse with students in their natural language, making complex career insights understandable and actionable. This dual capability ensures that our career advice is not only data-driven and also delivered in a way that feels intuitive and personally crafted for each student and alumni. It's a service that marries the analytical depth of technology with the nuanced interaction of human conversation.

Super Hero Reviews

Irene's guidance was really fun and insightful, aligning my passion for sustainability with a fulfilling career path.
Irene Merker
Sustainability Graduate


Easy to use. Interactive, intuitive and effective. Great results in short amount of time.
Anne van der Velden
Career Services Officer @ Tilburg University


I enjoy that the tool works as a conversation partner so that it picks up on certain answers to obtain more clues and dive deeper. Ultimately, I really like that it gives a very useful summary of potential career paths and fields.
Céline Mugica
Architecture Graduate

Vincent has helped to discover what my skills, talents and values are through the lens of classmates and colleagues. Using this information, I now have a better understanding of what my goals and values are for the work I am doing and the path I would like to take with my career.
vincent lengowski
Design Engineer @ Fokker


How does tailor career guidance to each student? employs a combination of Large Language Models (LLMs) and detailed analysis of individual student profiles, which includes their academic background, personal interests, and career aspirations. By analyzing this data, our platform creates a personalized career pathway for each student, offering guidance that aligns with their unique strengths and goals. This customized approach ensures that every student receives relevant and actionable career advice, helping them make informed decisions about their future.

How does ensure the privacy and security of student data? is designed to be fully GDPR compliant. This means that the platform is transparent about what student data is collected, why this data is collected and how it is used. User consent: Students explicitly consent to the collection and use of their data. This is done via an opt-in mechanism when signing up. We only collect the data that is strictly necessary for the functioning of the service. Redundant or irrelevant data will not be collected. implements advanced security measures (at the server and app level) to ensure the safety and integrity of student data. This includes encryption, regular security audits, and access controls.

Can integrate with our university's existing career services?

Absolutely. is designed to complement and enhance existing career services within universities. It can seamlessly integrate with your current systems to provide a unified experience for students and staff. Our platform can operate as a stand-alone solution or work in tandem with other services, adding a layer of AI-powered insights to your career guidance ecosystem.

What kind of data does use to provide career insights? leverages a wide array of data to deliver its insights, including up-to-date labor market trends, job postings, industry-specific demands, and longitudinal employment data. For individualized insights, it considers students' academic records, extracurricular activities, internship experiences, and personal career assessments. All data is used in compliance with data protection regulations, ensuring student privacy is upheld while providing valuable career guidance.

In what ways does adapt to changes in the job market? is designed to be dynamic and responsive, continuously updating its database with the latest job market trends, industry demands, and emerging career fields. By leveraging real-time data analytics and LLMs, the platform can promptly reflect shifts in the job market, ensuring that the career advice and opportunities it presents are current and relevant for today's workforce and the future.

How can students and alumni access, and is there a cost?

Students and alumni can access through a dedicated portal provided by their university. We collaborate with educational institutions to integrate our platform seamlessly into the student services ecosystem. While we focus on making accessible, any costs associated with its use are typically covered by university partnerships and subscriptions, ensuring that there is no direct charge to the individual users.

What distinguishes from other career guidance tools on the market?

What sets apart is its sophisticated use of LLMs for personalized guidance, its deep integration with real-time labor market data, and its commitment to adapting to each user’s language and unique career journey. Unlike other tools that may offer static advice, provides a dynamic, interactive experience that grows and evolves with the student, offering tailored support every step of the way. Our platform stands out for its empathetic approach to career guidance, mirroring the nuanced understanding of a human coach with the scalability of technology.

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